Living well for less in France

Living well for less in France

Saturday 5 March 2016

Living well for less at the expense of others

Yes you have read the title correctly!

Living well for less at the expense of others!

Have you come across someone like this??????

You see the problem is not the people that do these things...the problem lies with those who are genuinely nice giving people.

We are spotted from a grand distance . An easy target.

How many of these situations do you recognise ?

when out drinking in a group never be  first to the bar. If you are there is the danger of buying more than one round before the night is over.
go to buy your round when people are only half way through a drink...good chance they will say they are not ready and will say they don't want one
as above if you are last to buy a round it's likely some people may not want one
4  out for a meal..and going to share ...only share the bill if what you have eaten is more than the average share
if what you have eaten is less than the average share then you want to pay for  your own
6  in a group out for a meal/ coffee and everyone is paying cash...offer to pay on your card...then pay the exact amount and pocket the excess left for the tip ( oh yes)
7  Turn up at friends houses when it's close to meal times so that they feel they have to invite you to stay
8  Never offer to be the designated driver as you are using your petrol and not someone else's
9  leave your heating off and go to someone else's house where it's warm
10  when having a meal at someone's house rave about it so much that they send you home with that extra portion so you have  a freebie meal the next day
11  there are people who go to charity shops on a Sunday evening and help themselves to bags of stuff that have been left in the doorways...take out anything useful then return the bag
12  borrow something with no intention of returning it or just forgetting....usually dvds, tools!
13  borrow money and make the person you loaned it from feel guilty about asking for it back

These are only the ones we know about...perhaps there are others?????

Is there a term for these people????
 "Sponging"...comes to mind...but yet it doesn't seem to really encompass all of these things.
Perhaps we can think of a word that would be a new addition to the Oxford dictionary.

Answers on a postcard

Of course if you did use these techniques  you will find that what you gain in £'s you will lose in friendship and respect.

Two things that I consider to be worth more than financial gain.