Living well for less in France

Living well for less in France

Monday 10 August 2015

Lots of rain after the scorching weather and , lots of potatoes

The heat of the last 7 weeks has been draining.....its too hot to work but you still have to do it. The vegetables have really suffered and as my french neighbours said they are all "cuit" (cooked)
I had been hoping to leave the potatoes in the ground...the tops had just about burnt off...however on digging some up I found that some were starting to sprout.

As a result we dug them all them all up and our kitchen had a potato attack.. I dont have anywhere to store them which is cool and dark so several hours later of cooking, blanching and preparing ..on.NO FUN on a very hot day ...resulted in several bags of blanched potatoes, several bags of chips, several bags of mashed potatoes with cabbage and onion in, I sometimes think we live in the middle of Siberia and only go shopping once a year....and my husband thinks Im planning for a siege...both of my freezers were filling up!!
Being part of the Ladies in France Network I put out a plea via our facebook site and thanks to Liz Nolan whoalso  lives in Verteuil I had a freezer on loan with two hours of asking!!! Now thats what I love about being part of this great group....there is always help at hand!!!
Now then...freezer number 3 is on its way to filling up....and hubby is saying we relly must start eating some of this food. However..., like the red squirrel who is busy digging holes ( or should i say more holes) in our lawn to bury all the nuts... I have this need to stash things away for the winter!!!!

I have used the last of the courgettes...thy reign no more in the garden!!....and made several quiches.
Tomatoes are in full flow and we are equally eating them and making  sauces for pasta.
The taste really is so much better than anything our of a jar or can!! Well worth the effort.
The aubergines have really flourished in the hot weather and in another week we will start harvesting them.

The rain has finally arrived.....plants as well as us are breathing a sigh of relief. The rain is the best excuse for not doing the garden at least. It has given  me a good chance to catch up on some inside work.
Ive had some material sitting about for...a make some table mats for the sous sol kitchen. I thought these looked quite simple to do as, despite some of my ancestors being dressmakers, my skills in this area are something not to be talked about!!! Anyway, they do the job and look good from a distance! Much to the distaste of the hubby this kitchen is becoming a bit of a chicken shrine

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