Living well for less in France

Living well for less in France

Sunday 17 January 2016

Happy New Year , New plans and Winter Foraging

Happy New Year

Bonne Année

Meilleur Voeux

Did you make any resolutions? If so.....are you sticking to them!

I don't normally make any.....simply because I know I am hopeless at sticking to them.

I did finish the year reviewing  the "dead list" from 2015..... I know I know ....bit of a morbid streak.
. For those not in the know the dead list is a  list of 50 celebrities most likely to die in the following year. The list is compiled from candidates who are famous enough that their death would be reported by the UK media. Its always interesting to see how many they get right and how many have escaped to be on the next years list.

So..what has this to do with New Years Resolutions.....

The lovely Val Doonican sadly passed away last year....yes for those from my era I can hear you singing Paddy McGintys Goat. One of the real gentlemen of his time.  His philosophy in life was
" to be the best possible Val Doonican he could be" In other words the best person you can be.
I don't think you can go far wrong with that so this will be my Mantra this year rather than a resolution.

This is the saying I have above our bed. This is my next Mantra.
 Make what you do in a day worthwhile and enjoyable. Whatever goes wrong that day stays in that day!

A New Year is always a good time to put your house in order. I like to make sure...
 all my cupboards are cleared out, .......anything not needed or of use  is put in a box to sell at the next Vide Grenier, Larger items can be sold on local sites...Anglo Info or  Leboncoin

Filing and paperwork done ........receipts from previous year put in a file and start the new one. Shred anything out of date ( keep the paper to make your briquettes or bedding for the nesting box for the chucks

House has had a good's a Feng Shui thing for me

Make your plans for the following year in terms of what you hope to achieve ....learning from what you did the previous year.

As there is very little to do in the garden at this time of year it's a perfect time  to do all of this....

For 2016

I hope to.....

Be more creative....artwork, writing, craftwork. I started paper cutting last year and would like to expand this into something productive as well as a pleasure.

These are some of the cards I have been doing. I find it quite difficult with my arthriticity( Is that a word???)  hands but I just love doing home made stuff even if its not prefect!!

I am also working on a bigger paper cutting  project but that is a surprise gift for someone so no sneaky peeks I'm afraid!!! Thanks to Emma Harrison from Infinite Echoes papercutting for the amazing template she has done for me. Check out her infinite echoes papercutting page on facebook

Make Do and Mend.

It is easy to just go out and buy the new thing you need but first ask yourself

Do I need it?
Do I really want it?
Is there anything these that I can use?

Challenge yourself to make do and mend...
keep a note on how much you have saved and perhaps reward yourself at the end of the year with something that is a real treat!

I needed some new storage boxes which I was going to buy at Ikea..instead I covered these cardboard boxes with some samples of wallpaper that I got free from our local diy store.
Does the job and was free!!!

Develop a website to organise all my information , ideas and to link my blog into

Give freely my advice and time to those that need it and would like it

Spread  time more equally between work rest and play

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